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Marriott Hotels & Resorts

Certified Marriott GPNS WiFi Provider

Blueprint RF named Top Marriott WiFi Provider

In February 2020, Marriott awarded our company with First Place, Overall Performance for the Americas region. We are incredibly humbled to be recognized with the top award as part of Marriott’s first-ever Property Internet Awards of Excellence.

Our products and solutions have been rigorously tested by Marriott to match their extensive WiFi brand standards. We’re proud to have full Marriott GPNS Certification and work with almost 1,000 Marriott hotels and resorts to install and upgrade networks to existing brand standards. The 1,000 Marriott hotels is the most of any WiFi provider.

We know Marriott hotels very well.

Marriott has set brand standards in place to make sure your hotel stands out above the competition. If you have older WiFi networks installed in 2013 and 2014 (including former Starwood hotels), Marriott has specific requirements your hotels must follow for upgrading to current HSIA brand standards.

Not sure when your WiFi network was last upgraded? We can help you with that. It’s really easy for us to find out, so send us an email at sales@blueprintrf.com.

Boost your Guest Satisfaction scores with our products and services which include:

We work with several major brands and management companies, including:
